So, this is Ziggy. He is 7 in this video. He was owned by one of my students, and had been giving her problems, so she asked me to ride him in this show. He is a strong, powerful horse and he was using that against his young rider. In this test, I have him too short in the neck (boo!) in a lot of places, and you can see how his trot gets very 'up/down' instead of forward. That is from the tension of keeping him too bottled up in front. Shame on me. =(
I REALLY enjoyed that horse, and he has a lot of potential. You can see when I remember to ALLOW him to stretch into the contact that his trot is lovely. He has a WONDERFUL walk, lots of overtrack and stretch. This horse has oodles of potential. This video is a good reminder to myself to always keep the horse telescoping into the hand, instead of bringing them to the hand. BIG difference.
Pictures from this ride:

Active behind, but too deep in front. My hands are too low. If I lifted them a bit, that would have helped him open up in front. I also need to SIT UP!

Much better activity, more open, not too deep. Notice the better line from elbow to bit...not broken as it was in the last picture. Still on the forehand, but for Intro, that's OK. Still a tad short in the neck.

This one kinda makes me drool a little bit. *laughs* Look at that hock action and hind leg engagement. YAY! Also, I don't hate my position in this one. *laughs* And he's not too short in the neck or too deep. w00t!

Love the horse in this picture, hate my facial expression. *laughs* This is a great free walk, he is really striding out and stretching.
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