Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March 16

So, yesterday TBM's mom came out to watch us ride. We had intended to get new video, but I was so late leaving home, I forgot the camera! So no new photos or video this week. Sorry!

As it turned out, there wasn't much to see anyway, as TBM was stiff and VERY lacking in energy. Probably the stiffest he's been since we started. never really got to the point where he loosened up all the way. We do have some joint supps on the way, I think that will make a HUGE difference for him. He spent years as a young horse on the lunge conditioning for halter work, and you can't tell me that doesn't put some torque on young, developing joints...

So, we did a very small bit of work in the indoor, and realized we weren't going to get much. So then we decided to take him for the long awaited trail ride. He was a little wide eyed as we first headed down the driveway, but he settled into things just fine. It was good for him to get out of the indoor and off of the circle. He perked up a bit, but not as much as I had expected. I need to really find a way to get him out on the trail at least once a week, to keep his mind fresh. Endless circles get kinda old....

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