Saturday, January 10, 2009

So, why do I need an indoor arena?

A lot of people have asked me why I need to have the potential APP boarded at a facility with an indoor. Is it because I am some sort of Snobby Dressage Queen? Is it because I lived in the lower 48 for too long and can't handle the lovely Alaskan winter temps? Is it because I only want to deal with people who have enough money to pay board?


It is because I am a footing nazi. I think good footing is really REALLY important for dressage work.

First, let's talk about the physical issues that bad footing can cause.

  • Working on footing that is too hard can cause joint related lameness issues.

  • Working in footing that is too deep can cause tendon and ligament lameness issues.

  • Working in footing that is inconstant can cause soft tissue damage and torn muscles.

Now, let's talk about the training issues that bad footing can cause:

  • Footing that is too hard may cause a horse to move tentatively. In dressage, we want the horse to move freely forward.

  • Footing that is too deep may cause the horse to 'wallow'. He can't push off from the ground, he is sucked back down. This 'steals' the horse's suspension and can negatively impact the impulsion.

  • Working in footing that is inconsistent can lead to a horse that is not 100% focused on the rider. The horse has to THINK about where his feet are going, has to plan to protect himself from the footing he is working in.

Bottom line: FOOTING IS IMPORTANT. Footing is NOT something I am willing to negotiate on. Bad footing is bad for the horse. Period.

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